Monday, December 29, 2014

Meal Plan Monday: The Last of the Year!

It's the last Monday of 2014.

...and I thought 2013 was crazy!
2014 was about twice as insane and fast-paced.

But, I also got the whole meal planning thing down in 2014, and that's something my family is super grateful for!

This weekend, I fed my OCD and made a list of absolutely everything food-wise I have in my house, and based my meal plan off of that. Here's what I discovered.

I have:

*Entirely too many cans of pinto beans
*Way too many cans of sweet peas
*only one can of diced tomatoes. Wait, that's NO diced tomatoes because I used them today.
*Extreme OCD, but I totally already knew that.

Here's the Meal Plan for the week. Going to try to stick to it because my Meal Plan train derailed bigtime last week!

Monday: Chicken Spaghetti/Chicken and Rice with Veggies (why two meals? because we all had leftovers yesterday!)

Tuesday: Tortilla Roll-ups with Mexican-style ground turkey  (I hope this one turns out)

Wednesday: French Bread Pizzas

Thursday: Chicken Stew

Friday: Mac and Cheese. Maybe Pizza.

Saturday: Pizza Soup

Sunday: One-pot Spaghetti

Oh. And my hyacinth bloomed fully today.

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