Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry, Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Day, It's Christmas Day!!!!
We are rejoicing over Christ's birth and enjoying a rare day together.
I'm taking a break from the lull in the action to post this little update.

Our tree is little right now, but it will be majestic when we plant it near our house. Expect a fake tree next year, ya'll!

We had a TON of Amazon boxes pour in at the last minute that I didn't have time to wrap...whoops. (and there are more coming, one of Ella's gifts from me and Gabe...a Kindle Fire...shhhhhh!!!! coming sometime next week as well as some books from her grandparents!) Oh, and there's a Sphinx in there and Magpie's tail (Magpie, we believe, is on the upswing, yay!)

Christmas selfie! My hair is doing some crazy curly thing (I cut it this week) and the thing I love about this picture is how much I resemble my Mom. She's a lovely lady!

My very own Joe Cool ;) His big gift from me won't be here for a little while yet, but hey, chocolate and money is always good ;)

Ella and a pile of presents.

If you heard an excited scream, it was my kid because she got a TELESCOPE!!!! (from our landlord, Tony) It's been cloudy here the last few days, but she is (im) patiently waiting for a clear night so she can stargaze.

The only 50 Shades book I want to read ;)

Ahhh, I look ridiculous, but I love us. Nearly 11 years!!!! I asked Gabe earlier if this Christmas was better than last Christmas (cough stoveless house, insane neighbors, cough). He said that it was because, "I got to watch my family have a wonderful Christmas."
*swoon* Love this guy. We've been through some rough stuff these past 11 years, most of it my fault, but we've managed to come out better for it!
Today is Christmas Day...and it's also the 5 month anniversary of bringing home Dave and The Sphinx!

Happy Adopt-A-Versary to my two turkeys!

Merry Christmas, dear friends!!!! May you feel God's love this season, and always!

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