Saturday, September 24, 2016

30 Days, 30 Ways: Day 13

As most of you know, Ella donated her hair two years ago, and she is set to donate again next year. She has some REALLY long hair right now, and it's only going to get longer, so we're always on the lookout for new styles.

Thankfully, this awesome site has provided us with 30 different hairstyles for 30 days, and we are going to try them all.

Day 13: Half up with a (very small) bump
We used: A comb, a brush, detangler, bobby pins, and hairspray
Ella's verdict; "Mom, why did we have to tease my hair? It's not nice to tease, I'm not a bully!" (Wild laughter as she runs off)
Ah, kids.

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