Sunday, May 11, 2014

Her Children Rise Up...

It's Mother's Day!

I've decided to dedicate a blog entry to all the Moms who have taught me over the years.

My grandmother, Aniela Lukasik. The first "Mom" I ever knew. She kicked my butt when needed. She dragged me to church EVERY SUNDAY. She loved me and always told me to do my best. I have an Easter card from her on my fridge, and it's moved across 3 states with me. Grandma died when I was 14, and I felt like a huge part of my heart died too.

My Mom, Alina. Our relationship has been difficult to say the least, but I think we are both finally at a place in our lives where we are making a conscious effort to be good to each other. When I was first learning to cook, I used to call her all the time, asking, "How much of (insert ingredient here) do I use?" "What do I do now?" I miss those phone calls.

My oldest sister, Gosia. When I got pregnant with Ella, we were not in a good place in our relationship. BUT, if I ever needed anything or had a "new mother" question, she was always there. I remember the little bags of chamomile tea she used to send me when I was crying from lack of sleep because my newborn was waking me every hour.

My "adopted" Grandma, Jean. From day one, she treated me like her own. She's laughed with me, and cried with me, and always, always been there. When I broke my wrist, she sacrificed her birthday to go and hang out with me to "make sure I eat." Ella just thinks of Jean as her "Nanny", and we refer to Ella as Grandma's "namesake" (Gram's name is actually Ella Jean)

Ms. Lora Cantrell. I can't even think of her without tearing up. She is my biggest and best example of a Christian lady to this day. Before she passed away in October 2012, I was at her house probably 2-3 times a week. Ella adored her. I did, too. I had no idea that she had been abandoned by her children up until right before she died...I had no idea how much our visits meant to her until someone approached me at her funeral to thank me for taking care of her.

My Sunday School teacher, Ms. Betty Burleson. About a year ago, she saw something in me. Potential, a spark. A love for His word. She has pushed me to learn more, to know more, to love more. We've stood by each other when we've needed it most. I hope I can grow to be half the lady she is.

Being a Mom, I hope my daughter learns from me. I hope any future children I have can rise up and call me blessed. Just being a Mom, I AM blessed. Blessed by God. Blessed by these beautiful ladies I know.

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