Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good morning, all. It's so very quiet when I'm the only one up. The only sound I hear is the periodic jingling of Dave's collar as he sneaks through the house. Gabe's gearing up for another day of work (read: he's sleeping) and Ella's still trying to get over her cold...summer colds are THE WORST. I'm trying to get as much done as possible (including this blog) while they are both in bed, before I have to hit the school day running and prepare dinner and blah blah blah.

Here we go!

The weather in my neck of the woods: Precious, blessed rain. God's answered my prayers. NC has been in a drought for most of this summer. It's supposed to rain more today. I say bring it on!

On my bedside table: Pens, pencils, Where Secrets Sleep, a newspaper

What I'm Reading: Still Where Secrets Sleep, and I've started another Amish mystery series "Serenity's Plain Secrets"...I read the first book "Lamb to the Slaughter" and it honestly creeped me out, which isn't easy for a book to do. Love it!

On the news: Our government is insane. Can we elect someone sane now, please?

On the menu this week: 
Monday: Crockpot Stuffed Peppers I love this idea!!!
Tuesday: My world famous Chicken Stew
Wednesday: Beef Pasta
Thursday: Baked Potato Bar
Friday: Beef Stew
Saturday: Chicken Soup of some kind
Sunday: Chicken Spaghetti

New Recipe I want to try: Brunswick Stew, but the idea of using ketchup in a soup makes me shudder.

On my to-do list: Oh, ya'll. Way too much. Let's just say I need a personal assistant to help me accomplish it all, or a clone. Or something.

In the craft basket: Still that secret thing I can't tell you about. And I really want to make Ella a lace skirt. She's absolutely worn out the one I made her a few years ago.

Looking forward to: Crossing things off my to-do list today. It feels so good to be able to say "There! That's DONE!"

What I'm doing for myself this week: Organizing my pantry more...because my sanity depends on it.  Also, something unexpected I did for myself last week: I dyed my hair. Just a streak...but it's red and it's beautiful and I love it. More to come.

Favorite Photo:

Most of you know that about two months ago, following the loss of our Tom Cat, we adopted these two. (The black one is Sphinx and the tabby is Dave). Sphinx has always been a bit mean to Dave and I never thought I would see the day where they would be laying peacefully side by side. But it happened, and I have picture proof!!!

Lesson Learned: Family is so very important. Spend all the time you can with them. Even if you're cleaning the house or cooking dinner, it's so much better with family helping you.

Devotionals, Scriptures, Key Verses: 

Have a blessed week, ya'll, I'm off to work on that massive to-do list!!!


  1. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. Love the quote and pictures. Have a great week and hope y'all like the stuffed peppers recipe!


  2. I literally lol'ed to your ketchup comment - I hear ya! ;)
    Yes, to clone ourselves would be nice for checking things off the to-do list! Along that vein, though, as you said, even getting my little guys to help with the housework is so much more efficient because we make a game of it!
    That verse at the end there was just what I needed to read as it was one of my mom's favorites and she used to remind me of it often!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Yay for your much needed rain! ;)

    Hope your kiddo feels better. Summer colds are the worst- too true.

    Those Amish mysteries sound intriguing. I bet I'd like those too. And stuffed peppers in the crockpot sound genius! Let me know if they turned out. ;)

    Love your hair!! And the "peaceful" kitties picture. Happy week ahead my Dear! Xo
